How does it work?
Using belgianIDpro you can easily and quickly apply for an SSIN number for your employee. First of all you need to be registered with the online services of the Social Security. Further information on that can be found at 'Signup at the Social Security'. Once you are registered you can get started with belgianIDpro.
4 steps
Step 1
Scan your employee’s identification documents and submit them. The document can consist of various pages (max. 4) and double-sided scanning is allowed.
Step 2
Fill in your employee’s personal data as they are indicated on the identification document that you have at hand. Not all fields are mandatory.
Step 3
Fill in your employee’s address data. This can be an official domicile or – if the residential address is in another country – a contact address in Belgium.
Step 4
Send your application. Your e-mail address will be used to keep you informed on the status of your application.
Download the manual
How to apply for an SSIN number? Here is a convenient step-by-step overview.
Download.pdfFrequently asked questions